Celebrating their "Happily Ever After."

October 23, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

These two lovebirds just celebrated fifty years of marriage together!

There's no better way to celebrate than surrounding yourself with those you love most. 

Your family.

This family has spent a considerable amount of time on the west side of the state, so a little bit of rain, wasn't enough to keep them from having a good time together. 

 I just needed to make a quick trip to Spokane to pick up a few umbrellas...because who in eastern Washington actually owns an umbrella?

Bring on the grandkids and the yellow raincoats and we have a recipe for success!

Fifty years of love is a deep and beautiful thing...

They have been gifted with much.  

They have tasted the sweetness of life while watching dreams become realities. They have filled their lives with memories while walking their children into adulthood. And in return being rewarded with the highest coveted position of all...being grandparents!


They have also tasted the bitter sadness of loss.  

Together they have walked difficult days. Days no parent could be prepared to walk.

It's in these days that you realize, more than ever, 

the valuable gift you have

in the one you've chosen to "do life" with. 


 This is a gift that cannot be measured;

To have someone who knows and loves you through all of life's experiences... 

someone who helps you breathe again,

reminds you to live,

and together, you both re-discover joy.

 A joy that, even on the hardest days, breathes hope back into your broken heart. 


As I said before, this gift of love cannot be measured and is a deep and beautiful thing. 

Dennis and Cheryl, I am thankful you both have found friendship and life in each other.  You are a gift to your family, and an example

to those who have watched you.  Here's to many, many more years together. 




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